Wah! has been working in the field of personal development for over 25 years and has published books on yoga and healing. She has lectured at Princeton University, Loyola Marymount University, performed with Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and taught at Omega Institute and 1440 Multiversity. She’s been featured in Ladies Home Journal, Mantra Yoga & Health Magazine and Yoga International Magazine. She teaches workshops, yoga teacher training modules and performs upbeat mantra concerts and downtempo Healing Concerts across the country. All events inspire profound personal growth. www.wahmusic.com
Magazine Articles
Presentation Formats
Private coaching and classes using Wah!’s book Self Care: Building a Smarter, Stronger, More Peaceful Self
Sanskrit mantra with vocals, harmonium and Ableton Live
Guided Relaxation with bowls, chimes and spoken word